Directed by Robert Fripp
Assisted by members of The Guitar Circle Of Europe.
Arrivals Intermediates: Wednesday 19th, early afternoon through evening.
Arrivals Beginners: Thursday 20th, morning through early afternoon.
Departures: Thursday 27th, morning.
Beginners: open to anyone who wishes to attend, even those without any prior experience on the guitar.
The Guitar Craft Tuning and several Guitar Circle basic techniques will be presented.
This is the course for anyone who wishes to make a beginning in the Guitar Circle.
Intermediates: open to those who have at least attended a Guitar Craft Beginners/Level One course, have worked with and applied the principles presented. House & Kitchen work will be part of this course, under the guidance of Dr.Mike Grenfell.
Both courses will be directed by Robert Fripp, assisted by several long term members of the European and Latin American teams including Dr.Mike Grenfell, Martin Schwutke, Hernan Nunez, and Martin De Aguirre.
Pia Quaet – Faslem (certified AT teacher) will introduce the Alexander Technique, and Luciano Pietrafesa Tai Chi Chuan.
A fluency in English is an advantage. The minimum required age to apply is eighteen.
In order to attend an application letter in English (including full name and telephone contact, please) needs to be emailed to the GCE Registrar, focusing on the following questions:
1- Who are you?
2- Why do you wish to attend?
3- What is your Aim?
If accepted to attend, you’ll receive detailed info about exact location, transportation, what do you need to bring, form of payment, and other practicalities.
Fee: EUR 910 (includes accommodation and all meals)
Discounts: Intercontinental travelers 20%. East Europeans and Latin Americans please ask for special terms.
To apply to the Course and/or for further information please contact the GCE Registrar through ‘contact’.