Guitar Ensemble of Moscow Weekend

Saturday, December 6th, 2014 to Sunday, December 7th, 2014 ยท Art Trophy Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Directed by Mikael Weichbrodt
Local Coordinator: Ilya Putilin

This Weekend is held primarily to meet the needs of the Guitar Ensemble of Moscow, with special focus on re-introducing the Basics – fundamental principles of the use of both hands and Guitar Craft Primary Exercises – as well as preparing the Ensemble members for their future work together as well as individually.

The GEM Weekend will begin at 10:00 on Saturday and run from 10:00 to 19:00 on both Saturday and Sunday. Participants are asked to arrive at 09:30. There will be a break for lunch at 13:00 on both days (not included in the fee).

Contribution: 5000 RUB

In order to attend this Weekend, please contact the local Registrar ( and confirm your participation, please send your full name and contact info.