Berlin Guitar Ensemble vs. 1605munro XI · Writing & Recording Project

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 to Sunday, July 26th, 2015 · BGEHQ, Pankow, Berlin, Germany

Directed by Mikael Weichbrodt & Hernán Nuñez.

Alexander Technique & Local Coordination: George Porter.

1605munro: Andres G. Jankowski.

Arrivals: Wednesday 22nd
Departures: Monday 27th

This four day project is open to those who have attended at least one BGE, GCE and/or GC Performance Project, and have applied the principles presented.

We’ll work on writing and arranging new material towards developing BGE and BGE vs Munro Repertoire.

BGE work in the mornings: Warm Up and Quality Practice guided by Mika. Overview of arrangements for the Munro materials.

BGE vs Munro work: afternoons and evenings.

Recording Sessions on Sunday.

George Porter (certified AT teacher) will present the Alexander Technique.

The project is non-residential, meals (at BGEHQ) and accommodation (Hostel nearby) will be provided.

Requested Contribution: EUR 360

Inquiries, further info and Application Letters: