Directed by Hernan Nunez & Martin Schwutke
Robert Fripp visiting July 19th to 26th.
Dr Mike Grenfell visiting from 31st July – 8th August
Alexander Technique by Pia Quaet-Faslem July 14th to 21st.
Alain Pinero will present The Rhythm Circle from July 19th to August 7th.
Martin De Aguirre will lead the Performance Team from July 31st to August 7th.
This project is open to anyone with Guitar Craft and/or Guitar Circle experience, is recommended by a Mentor or Buddy, and has an established Morning Sitting Practice.
The main focus will be on the mechanics and principles of live performance and development of new Guitar Circle repertoire while preparing for performances and recording sessions during the last week of the project, leading towards our high profile performance challenge at the Catedral Santa María in Castelló d’Empúries (Costa Brava) on August 6th.
Hernán Nuñez and Martin Schwutke will direct this project. Robert Fripp will visit to work with the group from July 19th to 26th, this week can be seen as The OCG IV preparation although the details are open.
Dr Mike Grenfell will be available to the team from 31st July – 8th August in developing some aspects of Theme work as is appropriate for our Circle. This work may include revision, as well as new Themes and exercises in response to our time and activities together. Personal meetings will also be offered.
Alain Pinero will present The Rhythm Circle from July 19th to August 7th.
Alain writes:
“The Rhythm Circle introduces three pieces of work:
• Individual work: Division of Attention practice, developing levels;
• Group work: count and play;
• Circle work: dividing the Circle in segments and building up patterns.
We will look at ways of developing attention using rhythm as a vehicle, with our attention engaged in how our body is moving and our mind taking part in the action, while being relaxed.”
All participants will be asked to do kitchen and house work.
This Project offers an opportunity to test our enthusiasm and focus on how do we work with others in the Guitar Circle, while in a supportive and challenging environment.
To apply, please email your application focusing on the following questions:
Who are you? (please list GC and GC Related courses that you have attended)
Why do you wish to attend?
What is your aim?
Please include your full name and telephone contact.
If accepted to attend, you’ll receive detailed info about exact location, transportation, what you need to bring, form of payment, and other practicalities.
While we encourage attendance from beginning to completion, it is acceptable to visit the project for a shorter period of time.
Fee: EUR 1820 (includes accommodation and meals)
Special terms are available upon request.