Guitar Circle Day (An Introduction to The GC Tuning)

Sunday, May 26th, 2013 · Sóller, Mallorca, Spain

(info en español abajo)

Directed by Hernan Nunez.
Instructors: Mikael Weichbrodt, Romain Castagnet.
Local Coordinator: Eduardo Kuri.

This Introduction to the Guitar Craft Tuning is open to anyone who wishes to attend. No prior experience on the guitar is required.

The Tuning will be introduced, focusing on fundamental principles of the use of both hands and Guitar Craft Primary Exercises.

The Guitar Circle Day will begin at 10hs and run through 19hs . Participants are asked to arrive at 09:30 hs and need to bring an acoustic metal string guitar (any type is acceptable). There will be a break for lunch (not included in the fee) from 13:30 to 15:00 hs.

Suggested Contribution: EUR 50

In order to attend this Introduction you need to contact the local Registrar (Eduardo Kuri) and confirm your participation, please send your full name and contact info.


Guitar Circle Day (Introduccion al Circulo de Guitarras)
Domingo 26 de Mayo, 2013, de 10 a 19 hs
Carrer de sa Volta Piquera, 16. 07100 Sóller, Mallorca

Coordinador local: Eduardo Kuri.
Director Hernán Nuñez.
Instructores: Mikael Weichbrodt, Romain Castagnet.

Abierto a todo aquel que desee participar, incluso a quienes no tengan experiencia previa en la guitarra.
Se presentará la afinación Guitar Craft y varias técnicas básicas de Guitar Circle.
Este curso es para quienes deseen comenzar a trabajar en el Guitar Circle, pero también es recomendado para quienes tengan experiencia previa y deseen reconectar y avanzar dentro de este contexto.
Es necesario asistir con una guitarra acústica (preferentemente con cuerdas de metal), correa y metrónomo.

Contribución sugerida: EUR 50

Para recibir información mas detallada contactar a Eduardo Kuri: