The Guitar Circle Of Europe Spring 2014 Preparation – AAD (At-A-Distance) Course

Monday, February 17th, 2014 to Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 · Worldwide

Directed by Hernán Nuñez.
Themes by Dr.Mike Grenfell.
Quality Practice & Repertoire by Mikael Weichbrodt.
Fretboard Knowledge & Repertoire by Martín De Aguirre.
Repertoire by Horacio Pozo.
Calisthenics by Martin Schwutke.

This course is being offered as a preparation towards the upcoming OCG VIII Special Performance Project to be held in Caorle (Italy) April 29- May 5 – 2014, and is also open to those who wish to keep learning/practicing and reviewing current Repertoire, Fretboard Knowledge, Quality Practice and Calisthenics.

Martin Schwutke will present GC Secondary Exercises.

Regarding Themes and Quality Practice, Dr.Mike & Mika inform:

‘On this course we will address the ’Seven Assumptions For Work In The Circle’. The focus for this work will be Quality Practice combined with aspects of Themes. We shall be exploring the intersection between guitar work and non-guitar work through quality practice.
We shall take an assumption every two weeks and focus on it through Quality Practice. This will involve guitar work and Themes exercises.
Non-guitarists can work only on the Themes work.
We all commit to work for ten minutes each day on doing one small task superbly in relation to each of the assumptions. We also commit to post reports on our work in this area.
Times/dates for reports will be given, as well as guidance on writing them.
We are aiming to let the quality of our work spread to the rest of our practicing – and indeed lives.’

The course is open to those who have attended at least one Guitar Craft and/or Guitar Circle course, have an established Morning Sitting Practice and have taken the principles presented seriously. It offers the opportunity to work over an extended period of time, guided by an experienced Team.

In order to participate an Application Letter is requested:

– Who are you? (please list all GC Courses that you have attended)
– Why do you wish to participate?
– What is your Aim?

Contribution: EUR 530
Latin America and East Europe: ask for special terms if needed.

To apply to the Course and/or for further information please contact Hernán Nuñez at: