Directed by Hernan Nunez
Performance Leader Martin Schwutke
Ingui: Electronics & Processing by Ignacio Gracian
Local Coordinator: Valentina Fusari
Sound, Recording, Technical Support: Gabriel Romero & Andres Ceccarelli
This three day project is open to those who have at least attended a Guitar Craft and/or a Guitar Circle course-project.
The project is non residential.
Participants need to bring an electro-acoustic guitar (Ovation or GCPRO preferred), guitar & XLR cables, DI box.
We’ll work on developing & rehearsing material with electronic musician Ingui (aka Ignacio Gracian).
A public performance will take place at Estudio Fusari (Mendoza, ciudad) on Saturday, October 27th, at 22:00 hs.
Doors Open at 21:30hs (free admission).